Always 72 degrees and grainy

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Twinsfest 2009

I swear, every time I go to Twinsfest, it happens to be the most brutal day of the year to attempt a short trek from a parking ramp to the Dome. This year, my blog photographer and I arrived a little early to ensure that I'd get my Killebrew card autographed (it's for charity, so there's nothing wrong with me). I could not believe the line out there in that weather. Small children literally screamed and ran in circles as their parents convinced them it was going to be fun to stand in a new, warm line for two hours just as soon as they were done waiting out here so they could stand next to a guy they've never heard of for three seconds.

According to The Man, 31,000+ attended this, and if that is true, most of them waited in the Ben Revere line after they were done with the M&M signatures. If Revere puts on another Loftonesque display in the minors this year, the Gomez bandwagon could break down and Ben could achieve backup-QB-like saviour status around town.

I'd anticipated this, beaten the rush to Ben, and my plan to be early to the Mudcat Grant line was going great, and it's not like he wouldn't be there or anything, seeing as how he was hanging with Fergie Jenkins (see above) selling signed baseballs for charity in the late morning. Well, official word soon came that he was "on a plane" even though he was also scheduled to appear the next day....anybody know the story?? The mainstream media is afraid to report the facts! As usual, baseless conjecture by bloggers must carry the day!

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